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football academy

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FC Dynamo aims to create a world-class football Academy to nurture new stars of Russian football.

Dynamo has always been famous for its system of training football players, says Kuznetsov, director of the L.I. Yashin Football Academy.

Dynamo football school offers access to training methods that have been used to educate hundreds of professional footballers and support from one of the country's legendary and contemporary clubs.

To enroll in school
Sign up for the Dynamo football school
Academy Fund
Dynamo has a top-notch academy where young talents grow. Thanks to our Endowment Fund, you can take part in raising future stars of the Russian national football team.
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Open the Dynamo football school
The Dynamo system of training football players is one of the best in the country. And we have schools not only in Moscow — you can also open a branch in your region.
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